Welcome to ISEMSS 2020!

2020 4th International Seminar on Education, Management and Social Sciences (ISEMSS 2020will be held on July 17-19, 2020 in Dali, China. The aim objective of ISEMSS 2020 is to present the latest research and results of scientists related to education, management and social sciences topics. This conference which will be held every year provides opportunities for the different areas delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. We hope that the conference results constituted significant contribution to the knowledge in these up to date scientific field. 


We warmly invite you to participate in ISEMSS 2020 and look forward to seeing you in Dali! 





 *ISEMSS2018:已被CNKI检索!(click) 已被CPCI检索!(click)

1. 会议检索

ISEMSS 2020录用的论文发表到Atlantis Press 出版社旗下proceeding系列《Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research》(Online ISSN: 2352-5398),且将被CPCI (Web of Science) CNKI检索。

2. ISEMSS 2020合作英文普刊(投稿时请备注【“ISEMSS 2020”】将享有优先审稿及录用)


《International Journal of Social Science,Innovation and Education Technologies 》(ISSN:2717-7130) 是集同行双重评审、索引、开放存取为一体的线上期季刊,每季度出版一期原创研究文章。

由本期刊收录的文章将提交中国知网(CNKI)、谷歌学术(Google Scholar)等检索。



3. SCI期刊(投稿时备注【“ISEMSS 2020”】将享有优先审稿及录用)


期刊1:Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances Systems and Applications(ISSN: 2192-113X,IF=2.14,正刊)

期刊2:Big Data(ISSN: 2167-6461, IF=2.106,正刊)

期刊3:Electronic Commerce Research(ISSN: 1572-9362, IF=1.94,正刊)

* SCI论文请用Word(.doc)格式投稿,排版暂无严格要求,通过AEIC审核后再给出论文模版。

* 支持线上一键投稿  【艾思线上投稿系统】



A. Full Paper (for Presentation and Publication)

Accepted full paper will be invited to give the oral presentation at the conference and be publsihed in the conference proceedings.

B. Abstract (Presentation only)

Accepted abstract will be invited to give the oral presentation at the conference, the presentation will not be published.

C. English Template: Template-Atlantis.rar

*All submissions must not be less than 4 pages in length.

    (authors will be charged extra 200RMB/page if the manuscript length is more than 4 pages)

D.Submission Methods

Please send the full paper to SUBMISSION SYSTEM.
